Bild zu Trainer

Professional and highly motivated trainers

will contribute to your learning success.


inlingua trainers have native speaker level in the languages they teach. They are trained by inlingua experts to implement the successful inlingua teaching method correctly and use our specially developed material for both individual and group lessons.


1. Only the target language is spoken in the classroom.
The teacher does not translate for you, but helps to understand the meaning of words in their context. This is done gradually and at an appropriate speed, so that every participant has enough time to understand the linguistic element.


2. The teaching focus is on speaking and listening.
To use a language correctly, you must be able to speak first. You also learn to read and write, but the introduction of the foreign language is achieved through talking. The teacher makes sure that all participants can pronounce every word correctly and only then continues with the lesson.


3. Speech patterns are learned by way of examples and not by explanations.
If the participants understand the foreign language in context, they are encouraged to develop their overall understanding ability. These skills are essential in everyday communication. Even grammar is learned by illustrative examples, and not through lengthy and tedious grammatical explanations.


4. Participants will have the opportunity to speak as much as possible.
Students are encouraged to actively use the foreign language throughout the learning process. This requires a high level of active participation. The teachers keep their part of speaking as small as possible, so that participants can practice as much as possible during a training session.


5. Individual learning needs are addressed in a relaxed atmosphere.
The objectives of each student will be considered and included. The design of the course allows adapting to different learning styles. All this happens in a fun and relaxed environment.


6. In error correction, a positive approach is taken.
Students are encouraged to self-correct, to achieve a correct pronunciation and correctly use a foreign language element in a conversation. We consider learning as a process of continuous improvement.


7. Prior knowledge about a topic is checked before a new linguistic element is presented.
If you already know a word or can use a structure, we start from there and build on your individual knowledge.


8. Trying is expressly allowed.
You are encouraged to express opinions with the newly learned foreign language element and to experiment with it.


9. The books remain closed in the presentation and practice phase.
Foreign language elements are introduced in the course by speaking before they are presented in writing. The course book is later used exclusively for the purpose of training the reading and writing skills as well as listening comprehension and the language use.


10. A variety of training methods are used.
Although the objectives of each lesson are clearly defined, the teachers use a variety of teaching methods. They take into account different learning styles and backgrounds and help the participants to use the foreign language in various real life situations.